Virtually Give From Your Remote Office On #Do1Give DayGet your colleagues involved in something fun and important on April 15th. Join #Do1Give Day and virtually give from your remote office to spread happiness, well being and a good laugh. We all need a bit of a break from the news, from our new reality and working from home. Lets turn the first half of your remote working day on its head and do some good in the world!#Do1give Day is our annual event where families, individuals, community groups and work places spend an hour out of their day to do one small give. This year we have turned the event into a virtual giving day, as we are sheltering in place. If you are living in n area of the world that is back in an office setting, you can give in person! But for many of us, virtually giving is the way to go! Virtually giving has the same impact as an inperson give. We just have to be a bit more creative and use different tools to spread happiness. We have put together ten virtual gives for remote workers so you can participate in #Do1Give Day from your remote office with all your colleagues.10 Ways You Can Give From Your Remote Office On #Do1Give DayReady? Give your colleagues a heads up that their participation is important in #Do1GIve Day April 15, 2020. Our world needs us to make happiness as we navigate COVID-19. Some of us are enjoying remote working, many of us are struggling. #Do1Give Day can be a mini happiness celebration to get us back on track. When we give magical things happen. We feel more productive, maintains a positive office culture, generates a positive community image, builds team work, and increases our creativity. Read about more benefits of giving in the workplace so you are on board with this event and continue giving after April 15th!Mentor OnlineBe available to mentor others or students online for an hour. Mentoring is an invaluable give that will help a student, an intern or someone looking for work. Your skills are valuable and assisting someone through video chat, whats app or zoom could mean the difference between getting a new job, be admitted to university, maintaining their job or getting a great grade on their paper. Post your offer on Linked In or through your office online chat or message board and be ready to assist.Virtual Lunch With Co-WorkersUse your office zoom account for good. Hold a virtual lunch time with other colleagues and friends. Take your one hour lunch break and see how people are coping, exchange funny stories, make sure people have what they need as they work from home and exchange your favorite lunch recipes. This one hour reprieve will make all of you happier, more productive in the afternoon and just leave you with a feeling of friendship. This is no different than sitting at the office lunchroom table, so don’t skip it. It is an important part of our work day!Do A COVID-19 Check In With 5 ColleaguesSend a text message, online chat through the company chat line, email or if you want, call on the phone. Checking in to see how people are doing is a wonderful give. People appreciate that you care, that you thought of them, that you took the time, and might just need to talk about their day. Many workers have competing issues right now, with parents having to look after children while working from home, others might be dealing with illness in their family, or worried about a parent. A listening ear can make the world of difference.Do A Shout Out For A Colleague Who Went Above and BeyondIf you know of a colleagues that has done something incredible or overcome an obstacle, give them an office wide shout out. Right now we need to recognize and celebrate people who are doing great things, and people who are overcoming challenging situations. Celebrate it and let people know! Send an email, send a clapping emoji, do what you think is best in your work environment to recognize those who are doing more than asked of them!Have a BeanBeanBean online competitionInstead of playing a video game for a break, play Beanbeanbean to help COVID issues. This is a fun online game that tallies your points into third party corporate donations. Get your colleagues online to play with you and have a friendly competition. This is a fun way to help those affected by COVID with other people’s money!Do An Office Wide Click To GiveSend out an email or text message and get all your colleagues to do this two second virtual give. You can have people help save the Seals, free education for kids in developing countries, sign a petition, help literacy, or plant a tree. Online click to give campaigns require no money, helps organizations that are doing great things for animals, the environment and people and only takes a second to do.Support A Local Restaurant That Is On LockdownWas there a local restaurant that your office supported for events, lunchtime take out, coffee breaks, or after work cocktails. Give them a shout out on Facebook or Instagram showing your support during the COVID-19 shut down. Restaurants and bars are hugely effected during the lock downs and are crossing their fingers they can come back. Your online support will make a difference to how they weather this storm, so send them a note of encouragement.Have An Remote Workers Meatless At Home DayGet everyone to go meatless for a day! Help our animals and the environment with this give. On April 14th announce a meat free day to colleagues and explain why this is important. We love this give and your impact just for a day is amazing. Going Meatless for one day minimizes water usage, decreases green house gases, and reduces fuel dependence. Nothing but positive things! Share a vegan recipe with your co-workers using items people have in their pantry.Call A Retired EmployeeThere is nothing more exciting for a retiree than a phone call to see how they are. Our seniors are our most vulnerable population, so reach out and see how they are. They will love to hear how the office is coping, how people are coping and what is happening in the industry. They might just have some words of wisdom as to how best to cope during this time.Tutor A Student At HomeThis give will make you way more productive for the rest of the day. Think of all the students studying and learning remotely. Think of all the parents who are struggling to understand all subjects our kids are learning. Tutor a student you know and give that parent a break. Read a book online to the student, listen to them practice their reading, do an art lesson, conduct an online spelling bee. Make it fun, and share your abilities with a student.Ready to spread a bit of happiness around the world? Reach out to your office and get them to participate. Get people to virtually give from your remote office on #Do1give Day. If you want to use our online tools that will help you virtually give, sign up for a 365give free membership and join our community for #Do1Give Day. All members have access to our event tools and we share ways to make your giving efforts ripple throughout the world. So let’s start giving! Mark the date, April 15, 2020. Share Article: