Join Us for the Love-olutionTogether we will spreadLove Positivity Generosity Lots of Hearts!February 10th – 14thSpread Love This Valentine’s Day in a Whole New Way!( no chocolate or roses required):Join thousands around the world for the “love-olution”February 10th to February 14th #all4Love Watch HereSpread Love and Redefine Valentine’s Day – Celebrate What Truly Matters – LOVEIt’s as easy as 1,2,3 to share the love! Spread love by sharing a selfie or video of how you express kindness and love.(no right or wrong way—just be you!) Answer this simple question –What would you write in a love letter to the world?Share your message in your social post. Post it on all your social media channels with the hashtag #all4Love ( so we can find you!)Tag friends and say I love you!Love is in the Air! Can you Feel it! Here’s How Powerful Love Really Is!The Science of Love!The Ripple Effect of Love: Three Degrees of Influence1st DegreeDirect ImpactYour act of giving or expression of love positively affects someone directly.2nd DegreeThe RippleThat person, influenced by your kindness, is likely to extend kindness to another3rd DegreeSpread LoveThe chain continues as this next individual, touched by kindness, spreads it further.The Benefits of Love ( for YOU!) Easy ways to spread and show loveCheck out these ideas from 365give friends and members! Take a heart selfie. Post it on social media and challenge your friends by tagging all!More Here Work with nature and share love in your own creative expression with your neighbours.More Here Create a love note and give it to a friend or strangerMore Here Use a favourite heart image and text a friend with a mesage of love!More Here