Use Banana Bread To Spread and Get a Lot of Happiness Looking to spread and get a lot of happiness this week. Well we have the perfect idea to make that happen. On February 23rd we celebrate National Banana Bread day. Easy to make and a delicious treat, banana bread gained popularity in the 1930s during the Great Depression to avoid wasting over ripe bananas. We love to use it as a daily give and have many times. Baking is a fun, creative activity and sharing food is a simple but profound act of kindness. Reap even more benefits by baking a vegan banana bread. It will count not only as your give for the day, but an animal or planet give!Vegan Banana Bread Recipe – The Perfect Give(source: Amit Dassana, Veg Recipes of India)What You Need4 ripe bananas1.5 cups flour0.5 cup vegitable oil0.5 cup sugar1 tsp vanilla extract1.5 tsp baking powder0.5 tsp baking soda0.25 tsp cinnamon powderPinch nutmegPinch saltHow To Make ItPreheat oven to 350F. Grease a bread tin with vegetable oilMash bananas and sugar well in a mixing bowl. Add oil, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, salt to the mashed bananas.Sift the flour onto the mashed bananas and gently fold in the flour to the mashed banana mixture.Pour the banana bread batter into the loaf pan.Bake for 30-40 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the bread comes out clean.Remove from the oven. Let the banana bread cool for 10 minutes.Slice and share.Makes 12 servings.Baking Benefits You In More Ways Than You Know(source: Goldberg, Elana, 5 Reasons Why Baking is Good for Mental Health) Baking is calming and meditative.Baking increases endorphins by stimulating the senses.Baking is nourishing.Baking can be a creative outlet.Sharing your baking with others is rewarding.Spread Happiness With Your Next Banana BreadThe way to the heart is through the stomach, so here’s a list of 25 people in your community that will appreciate receiving your baked goods.A strangerYour bank managerLanlordStreet vendorStore clerkCashierCustodianIT departmentMail room personelDelivery personMailmanLunch room supervisorSchool crossing guardSchool Bus driverHomeless personLocal shelterTeachersStudentsCoworkersPolice stationFire stationNeighboursFriendsFamilyTreat yourself Why Vegan? – A Planet or Animal Give(source:, Why Going Vegan Should Be Your New Year’s Resolution)Incorporating a more vegan diet has many benefits…and counts as a planet or animal give!Every vegan saves 200 animals a year.On average vegans are 20 pounds lighter than meat eaters .Vegan’s have less chances of getting heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and high blood pressure.Vegan food is delicious.Animal flesh is the top source of food poisoning.It takes 13 pounds of grain to produce 1 pound of animal flesh.Meat prodcution is the biggest cause of climate change.It’s cool to be vegan, many celebrities have adopted this lifestyle.Better sex? Saturated fat from meat can clog blood flow to your sexual organs.Eating a more vegan diet reduces animal suffering.Go Bananas Spreading Happiness – It Will Catch On!Post and share your banana bread gives on social media using the #365give hashtag and inspire others to give back too. Practice giving daily and spread happiness all year round. Sign up for a free 365give membership and find other simple ways to give every day. Share Article: