The Scone Campaign Today! Enter to Win Today!This weekend COBS Bread (Vancouver locations only) is having an in store event called The Scone Campaign to raise funds and awareness for the Big Brothers Big Sisters organization. The Scone campaign is an easy give that will taste so good. Go to any COBS Bread location in Vancouver (find one here!) on Saturday, May 28 or Sunday, May 29 and buy a scone. With every scone purchase 50₵ will be donated to Big Brother Big Sisters. This is how you can participate in this inventive fundraiser the The Scone Campaign.Here is how you enter the contest – The Scone CampaignTake a picture and send it to 365give via email Tweet @365give or @COBSBread while you are at the bakery enjoying your scone and let us know your favourite flavour! Facebook 365give or COBS your favourite flavour and how many you bought Make a comment right here on the site and share how good it felt to give and enjoy your scone You can even make a video and shoot it over. I will feature it on my You Tube channel. Heck send me a scone! Participate in the scone campaign for your give today.One luck winner will receive a $25.00 gift certificate from COBS Bread which we will announce on Monday, May 30, 2011! Share Article: