New Advent Calendar Tradition Turns Christmas on its Head!New advent calendar? How can there be a new advent calendar. The traditional Advent Calendar is a wonderful way children of all ages look forward to Christmas. What started as a “lift the flap” picture calendar to count down the days to Christmas has turned into another opportunity for kids to “get” more for Christmas. Some advent calendars have a present every day, chocolate, and there is even a Lego Advent calendar.But do we want to teach our children that Christmas is just about receiving? Is Christmas just about ‘how many presents can I get’. Is that the message we really want to pass forward?As a mother of three, this is exactly what our family is not wanting to do. So we decided to turn the advent calendar on its head this year, and the family is geared up for this change!Make Your Advent Calendar About Giving Not ReceivingWith the help of my boys we have come up with a new Advent calendar. We know it is new because we had to make our own! Our advent calendar is the “Giving” Advent Calendar. Our hand-made Advent Calendar come with a calendar and a Giving Christmas Tree to remind us that Christmas is about giving not receiving.Every day from December 1st through to December 25th we will be sharing our “daily gives” with our friends, families, and community. We will be checking off the days until Christmas while filling our Giving Christmas Tree with daily “giving balls” . This for our family is a wonderful way to remember what Christmas is all about, giving not receiving!We hope our ideas will inspire you, your family, classrooms and schools. We challenge you to create a new culture of giving during the holiday season! Share Article: