How to Make Big Changes in Your Life and World in Just One DayMany big changes start from the comfort of home. The 365give founder, Jacqueline Way, started this movement by thinking of ways she could improve the lives of her children. And that one small idea later became much bigger and has grown into the 365give charity that exists today.But… how can I make a difference if I only have one day?”For many of us, this is where the anxiety can set in. It feels impossible to make an impact when modern life gets so busy. This is why my very first suggestion begs you all to slow down.Have you taken some deep breaths?Good. Now, if you’re still feeling nervous, here are some simple steps to follow:Broaden your horizonsDo your researchNarrow it downTake action1. Broaden Your Horizons through ReflectionMaking big changes in your life and the world in just one day is an overwhelming prospect. So, before we begin, consider which current issues are the most important for you. Knowing your priorities will help with any big decision and make it a lot less stressful for one person to manage.The climate crisis is an issue that affects everybody, and issues like poverty, access to education, and healthcare are worsening in many places. If you’re affected by systemic inequality, I’m willing to bet that has also crossed your mind.2. Do your researchIf you’re still unsure, take some time to research issues that are relevant to your area. Making global change is admirable, but if it starts locally, it’s much easier to see the impact one person can have. Even if your efforts are small and community-based, you can still take pride that your sliver of the world has been made brighter.The climate crisis, for example, is a relevant issue for everybody. However, every place is being affected differently. Areas affected by wildfires or smoke would benefit from someone with a supply of face masks, and places affected by flooding would benefit from having someone on higher ground offering refuge or supplies. There are many small steps you can take that lead to big changes.3. Narrow it downFor many of us, dedicating our lives to big issues would risk our financial stability, hobbies, relationships, and leisure time. If the issue you hold dear is something like “climate change” or “poverty” I would encourage you to slow down again.What about climate change or poverty, affects your area the most? It’s easy to say something like “carbon emissions”, but how are they affecting your daily life or wildlife in your area of the world?If climate change is your issue, perhaps your area is affected by wildfires, smoke pollution, or flooding. If your issue is poverty, maybe the cost of living or the minimum wage is something to focus on.4. Take actionNow is your opportunity to use what you’ve learned. You’ve sorted out your priorities, gotten educated, and narrowed it down as much as possible. By now, hopefully, it doesn’t seem so scary to do good, and you can rest easy knowing that even if much more work needs to be done, at least you’re out here doing something.The world of today is an extremely busy one. We’re occupied with jobs, schooling, relationships, necessary rest, and plain old survival. It’s natural for making global change to feel daunting, and our other commitments are just as important.How does all this happen in ONE day?Well, it is tricky, but one day is all you need to get started. And whatever you do today, or tomorrow, or the next day, will make a difference. Anything you do can start today and continue tomorrow.You may know what you want to do, but how to do it?The most important thing is to use the tools you have at your disposal. This can include social media, and this is all that many of us have the energy for. But you can also use things like your city councilor’s phone number, pocket money, and the people around you. Chances are, if an issue in your area concerns you, it concerns others too, and standing with others is much less daunting than standing alone.Stuck on brainstorming? Read these for inspiration!5 Ways Giving Back is Good for our Health and Healthier Communities7 Easy Ways to Create Global Impact on #Do1Give Day Share Article: