Happy Father’s Day – Daily Gives Dad’s will LoveHappy, Happy Father’s Day. If you are not familiar with the story of 365give, I have to say that my dad inspired my first daily giving back in 2010. He taught me to be kind, to give back, to be helpful and to volunteer. My son Nic and I found 365give but my dad was the entire inspiration for our daily giving habit! Yeah Pops! Thank you! You are the best and I am so very thankful you started the giving habit when I was young.I mention how my dad did this on our 2017 Tedx Talk. Listen to the story if you have not already, and see how small gestures can make a world of difference. On April 19, 2018, 10,000 daily gives were completed worldwide, an event that continues to bring a smile to my face.So what can you do today for your daily give? Give to your dad! Put one of these giving ideas on your daily giving list and see how it makes both of you feel!Giving Ideas for Father’s Day1. Write notes of inspiration around the house specifically for your dad. Put them on his bathroom mirror, in his car, in his lunch bag or briefcase. You’ll know what will inspire your dad, just go ahead and make them! 2. Write a letter telling your dad everything you are grateful for. List things he has done for you that make you grateful. Did he teach you a new skill, did he teach you to ride a bike? Does he go to work everyday so you can have all the things you need on a daily basis? Does he read you stories, or come to your sporting events? Dad do lots of great things, so a letter of gratitude is easy. 3. Shine his shoes, iron his work shirt, clean his uniform. How ever your dad goes to work, take one step out of the process for him. Leave a little note telling him you wanted to make his day a little bit easier. 4. Do one of his chores around the house. Does he wash the dishes, take out the garbage, mow the lawn, sweep the outside, wash the car? If the job is a big one, offer some help. 5. Make his favorite dessert or favorite meal. Food brings joy and when someone’s favorite meal, that says a lot. 6. Ask him to go for a walk or bike ride with you. 7. Tell him you love him and give him a great big smile. 8. Give him some quiet time. Working all day is hard, and sometimes a little quiet time can make a huge difference.Dad’s are precious and dedicating your daily give today to him will mean the world. We are great at making daily gives to strangers, the planet and animals, all great things to do, but our family and dad’s are important too!To all the dads out there, Happy Father’s Day! Share Article: