Forgiving is Giving – A Simple Daily Give for Your 365give ChallengeLooking for a daily give idea? Forgiving is giving and one of the easier and powerful gives you can do. Forgiving is an intentional and voluntary process aimed at the actions of another person. They may have done something to hurt you, emotionally or physically, or simply been unkind or unthinking. However big or small, forgiving their actions can bring you happiness and be a simple give for the day.A Simple Yet Powerful Give – Forgiving in GivingForgiving someone’s actions can be simple if the actions are small. Maybe someone cut in line at the store or took a parking spot you were heading towards. These actions will anger you, but if you choose to let it go, you are not only giving to the other person, you are creating your own happiness.What Forgiveness is NotForgiving actions of others is not an acknowledgement that they don’t matter. It’s not excusing or pardoning the action. It is simply an act by you to let go of the grievance or judgement. If you let go of the action against you, you are freeing yourself from the anger that the action caused. You are freeing yourself to feel happiness and to give to others. This is the power of forgiving.Science of Giving – Happiness Lies On the Other SideBy forgiving, you are giving. Giving makes us happy. It releases Dopamine, Oxytocin, Seratonin, and Endorphins – giving you a DOSE of happy every time you give. Who doesn’t want that? By forgiving another person, you are honoring yourself. It affirms to the universe that you deserve to be happy.Forgiving is Good for the SoulSo next time someone jumps in the line, cuts you off, says something rude, try to forgive and forget and move on to your own happiness. You are giving to them by letting it go and you are giving to yourself by not holding on to a grievance. Forgiving is giving and is another step towards creating a ripple of happiness that moves slowly but surely around the worlds. Try it today, you might be surprised at how simple it is to create a bit of happiness.Ready to start giving? Sign up for your 365give membership, a free membership for you, your family, class or workplace, and start giving every day. It will change the world one give at a time. Share Article: