Day 352: Who is Kiva Anyway?The question of the day, Who is Kiva? When I started 365give I had no idea what Kiva was or how micro financing really worked. On Day 9 I made my first Kiva loan and the giving will continue for a lifetime.Day 352: Give 352It all started with $125 loan. It has now turned into giving an additional $220 worth of loans. How does that work?I just keep re-giving the funds. I even get an email reminding me when my loan has been repaid or a portion of the loan, so I am able to give again. You can choose your loans by region, gender even the type of business you would like to support. You can give a Kiva Gift Card for birthdays and holidays ( I did just that on Day 163 to my nephews – an additional $50).Today my loan went to a group of women in Viet Nam. I like to support women around the world to start and grow businesses. This photo instantly grabbed me. The strength and determination in these women’s faces was obvious. The women are in the agricultural business and you know how hard they must work to raise their families and manage the business at the same time. I was honoured to assist them in any way I could.Have you given to Kiva? Share your story with us!Time Commitment: 3 minutes to reinvest my loanCost: $50 loan that cost me nothing part of my original $125 loan. Share Article: