Day 345: Click to Commit: You Click Corporate Sponsors GiveThis give says it all – Click to Commit to give one day at a time. Read, click and give. I did. Day 345: Give 345You click, they donate, girls in Malawi receive.One click makes a difference.$741,734 donated to date just by clicking.Information taken directly from Join My Village“Join My Village is a click-to-commit social change initiative that gives you the power to inspire charitable donations from companies to women and girls in Malawi through CARE.Throughout the year JMV will give you different opportunities to help girls participate in their lives by clicking, texting, or viewing content. Every click helps companies donate more dollars to the girls in Malawi. We truly believe that if we all click, we all become more aware, and we all become a part of the solution to help end poverty around the world.When you click, companies like General Mills and Merck are able to donate more money and women and girls are able to take their future into their own hands.Up to $900,000 to CARE by December 31, 2011, but we need your click to do it!”Do I need to say more? Just Click to Commit!Time Commitment: 30 secondsCost: 0 Share Article: