Day 251: Top 10 Ways to Give On VacationI had to dig deep on this one to find ways to give on vacation. I did not want to stop giving just because I am on vacation. This week I am on holidays in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, a needed holiday for me and my family. It doesn’t mean I take a day off or week off from giving. When you are away it may seem like the perfect time to put everything behind you and enjoy the luxuries of sun and sand but for me it has made we want to give more.Day 251: Give 251Let me tell you quickly about my holiday in Mexico. We are staying at one of those all inclusive resorts that do everything for you. It has been many years since I have stayed at one and we chose it as it is great place to stay with a 3 year old. But (there is always a but) the abundance is truly unbelievable. The extraordinary amount of food and beverages, is pretty unbelievable. It takes great will power not overload on everything. I know it’s holiday but you understand why there is so much imbalance in our world. It has been a challenge finding ways to give when the staff does everything and the local people are so lovely. I have found smalls acts that I can do every day and include my son that keep the giving ripple going even while on vacation.Top 10 Ways to Give When on Holidays (even at an all inclusive resort!)Smile at everyone you pass especially the staff Hold open doors for other guests Clean up after yourself rather than leaving mess for others to clean up Ask for no straws and reusable glasses only (no throw away plastic) Tip the staff well (they usually don’t make much money and work long hours) Use the language of the country you are in as much as possible out respect to the staff and service providers Pick up garbage: On the beach, by the pool, in the local cities Walk instead of taxi’s everywhere – good for you and less C02’s Buy Local: Seek out local merchants to support rather than going with the big chain stores Find one person that needs a few dollars or meal and give it to them.Even small acts of kindness can make a huge difference no matter where you travel to. Just being kind, respectful and courteous to locals can change the world. It brings us all a little closer and supports economies that may not be as privileged as so many of us are that have the luxury of a vacation.What do you do to GIVE when you are on holidays? Leave 365give a comment telling us how you gave back while travelling.Time Commitment: few minutes every dayCost: a few pesosPhoto credit Share Article: