Day 188: “Tweet” or “Like” If You Could Spend One Day Without Shoes!httpv:// I started 365give I came across a company that I thought was amazing – Tom’s Shoes. The Founder of Tom’s Shoes, Blake Mycoskie was on a trip to Argentina that would change his life. While there he befriended many of the children and noticed one common thing that was missing from their lives – they had no shoes. Blake returned to the US and decided he needed to help these children and started a new business that, with the purchasing power of his customers, would lead him back to Argentina with 10,000 new pairs of shoes for the children. Talk about a remarkable business model. If you don’t know of this company you should.Day 188: Give 188Today launches a campaign call One Day Without Shoes started by Tom’s Shoes. An interesting campaign for a company that sells shoes. As most people know awareness is half the battle when trying to solve major world issues. Tom’s Shoes wants you to know how it feels to walk around without shoes for part of or your entire day. A tough challenge for most of us but children all over the world walk miles to get water, food and to go to school without their shoes. Many are not even allowed in school without shoes. Could you imagine sending your child to school with no shoes because you weren’t able to afford them?Here are just a few reasons every child needs a pair of shoes. (information taken directly from Tom’s Shoes site)•A leading cause of disease in developing countries is soil-transmitted diseases, which can penetrate the skin through bare feet. Wearing shoes can help prevent these diseases, and the long-term physical and cognitive harm they cause.•Wearing shoes also prevents feet from getting cuts and sores. Not only are these injuries painful, they also are dangerous when wounds become infected.•Many times children can’t attend school barefoot because shoes are a required part of their uniform. If they don’t have shoes, they don’t go to school. If they don’t receive an education, they don’t have the opportunity to realize their potential.If you can’t go without shoes on April 5th why not consider ordering a pair of Tom’s Shoes knowing that when you buy a pair, one pair will also go directly to a child that doesn’t have a pair. One for one – I like this deal. I will be blogging, tweeting and facebooking the campaign all day with no shoes and will also order my first pair of Tom’s Shoes. What will you do today?Time Commitment: 5 minutes to order my shoesCost: cost of the shoes Share Article: