Build Your Happiness Muscles By Giving Every DayHave you ever started a workout routine with the intent to make yourself stronger, your muscles toned, and build a stronger body?It’s not easy. It takes time, dedication and commitment to make that intention a reality.Happiness works in a similar way. Like our muscles and what they do for us on a daily basis (walking, running lifting) we take happiness for granted. Somehow, happiness is just supposed to show up, work for us and continue to be in our life without us really doing anything. Not so easy in our world as many of us have learned over the last six months. Happiness needs our attention. If we want it to work for us, show up each and every day, you need to dedicate time and practice to build your “Happiness Muscles”.We have heard about so many different happiness work outs during Covid, but how you build your happiness muscle is easier than you think. It’s a simple four-letter word.GIVE. I know what you’re going to say. “I don’t have time to give.” or “I don’t have any money to give.” These excuses also seem to serve us well when we are looking to work out as well, but as we all know money and a lot of time is not needed to build your happiness muscles or your physical muscles. These myths are just a way for us to not get what we want. Like trainers say over and over again, no excuses. If you want something, go get it. Happiness needs the same mantra!Giving Myth #1You don’t need money. Giving is thought to be a financial donation, but true giving is a simple action that comes from your heart and gets done by your hands. Giving isn’t about spending money. It doesn’t have to cost a dime just a little time.That leads us right into our giving myth #2 – time.Giving Myth #2Do you have time to buy a cup of coffee?Do you have time to smile?Do you have time to open the door for someone?Do you have time to send a text?Then you have time to give.When we give our brains and bodies kick in giving us “The Helper’s High”. That’s right you get the feelings of happiness and little high. It’s easy to get going. This feeling is similar to the endorphins that kick in when you exercise.Sit down and make a quick list. Just like you make a “to do” list for your chores, your work, your family or personal goals. If you really want to have strong Happiness Muscles it must become part of your everyday life. Just like brushing your teeth.10 Easy Acts of Giving That Build Happiness MusclesText message a note of gratitude to special friend in your life.Buy a coffee for the next person in line.Open the door for someone.Let someone in front of you in line while driving or at the grocery store.Smile at a stranger.Make an extra lunch and give it to a person living on the street.Have one day you go meatless.Buy from a local business.Bake cookies and leave them for your post person.Help a neighbour take out their trash.There you go. This list can be your first 10 days of giving. Just call me your happiness coach that will get you started. We won’t leave you high and dry. if you want a happiness trainer just like you would like to have a personal trainer join our 365give community, for free, to get your happiness muscles working! Unlike your personal trainer, our happiness coaching is free. We will cheer you on, put you on the right path and give you the necessary tools and ideas for every day of the year. Yes – that’s right 365 days of giving. So what are you waiting for? Start building your happiness muscles today. Share Article: