5 Planet Gives You Can Do at WorkThese 5 gives you can do at work will make you more productive, increase your concentration and just make your work day a little bit happier. To add a lot more happiness, these gives focus on the planet, our environment and how we live in the world. A lot of us are always looking for ways to reduce our carbon footprint and give back to the planet in our own lives. Living green has become an important part of life as we see the rising concern and effects of global warming. But how do we transfer our planet conscious decisions to our work lives? Here are five simple suggestions for planet gives you can do at work.Vegan or Vegetarian FridaysBuilding community amongst staff is such an important way to keep your employees happy and productive. One way to build community is by holding weekly or monthly lunches bought by the company, manager, or boss. Make these special staff lunches vegan or vegetarian to help reduce consumption of meat and animal byproducts which are among the highest contributors to greenhouse gases and pollution. This may even encourage some employees to try other planet gives in their own lives, like meatless Mondays! To make it extra eco friendly, do some research into sustainable local restaurants that are zero or low waste.Share the Coffee Love For Your Planet GiveIf you are anything like me, you need to start your day with a nice hot coffee. One way to reduce waste at the office is to make a full pot of coffee for everyone to enjoy instead of making individual pods! If your work has a coffee maker that only uses pods, discuss with your fellow staff and request a more eco-friendly coffee machine from your supervisor – or pool your money together and buy an office coffee maker.Being Light Conscious Is A Planet GiveDepending on where you work, there are some lights that you just can’t turn off, so it’s important to turn lights off when you can! If you are using the bathroom, kitchen, or storage closet turn lights off when you leave the room. We do it at home, why not at work too? Once you’re in the habit, you won’t even think twice about it!Order Local And Feel Great About Your Planet GiveSome workplaces have to make large orders of supplies that must then be shipped to your building. Buying internationally can be cheaper, but it is much worse for the environment. The emissions put into shipping large containers of supplies from one country to the next can have a detrimental effect on our planet. If you need supplies, reduce your carbon footprint by ordering local! This way, you give back to the planet and you support your local community.Go Digital And PaperlessWe live in a digital age. Pretty much anything and everything can be done online. This makes it easier for your business to go paperless! This could mean no more printed official documents or emailing receipts to customers instead of printing them. The technology we have now makes us capable of having paperless businesses which can help reduce waste and reduce the number of forests that go towards landfills or making paper.We want to hear from you. Are there any other planet gives you do at work that we forgot to mention? Did you try any of the gives suggested above? Share your gives you can do at work on our Instagram page #365give #givingeveryday #planetgivesatwork and feel great about your part in keeping our planet healthy and happy! Share Article: