Simple Daily Giving You Can Do Every DayI love the 365give way of simple daily giving, love it! When someone suggests to do something every day, especially daily giving, it sounds daunting. Let’s face it, doing anything every day sounds daunting. And if something seems daunting, it becomes a chore and then it becomes something that we want to avoid. But wait! there are ways to make daily giving simple. Honest. If you do one simple thing one day, then it becomes easy to repeat. And before you know it you are reaping the rewards of daily giving.Why Simple Daily Giving Is So PowerfulSimple daily giving is more powerful than one big give a few times a year. There are proven long term benefits to daily giving that only happens when we incorporate it into our practice every day. These benefits include:Slowing the aging processReducing blood pressureMaking us happierMaking us feel connected and cooperativeOnce you are able to incorporate one simple giving task into your day, the importance is to repeat, repeat, repeat every day in order to gain the powerful benefits that daily giving can unlock for you.If you can start with a simple give, say picking up garbage on a walk, then it becomes easy to incorporate that into your daily experience. And you don’t have to come up with something new every day. You can repeat the same giving daily and still get the benefits.365give Simple Daily Giving Ideas That Change The WorldPick Up Garbage – If you go for a walk every day, start carrying a plastic bag in your pocket so you can pick up stray garbage you see and put it in the garbage can or recycling bin when you return home. Every little bit helps our planet remain clean and strong.Hold The Door Open For Someone – A simple act of giving you can do whenever you are out. Just hold the door, hold the elevator, let someone go ahead of you and it will brighten their day as well as yours.Recycle Every Day – Make a habit of cleaning containers and recycling all the paper that comes into your home.Reduce Plastic Bags – If you buy produce, look for an alternative to plastic. You can re-use bags from home, look for a paper bag, or skip the plastic altogether. If your community supports it, recycle all soft plastic.Collect Your Change – Keep a jar in a central location and have everyone in your household contribute loose change every day. At the end of the month count your change and donate it. Every bit helps.Notes of Gratitude – Make a daily habit of showing your gratitude. Write an email or text to a friend or loved one and just say thanks. This will make their day and you will feel good for sharing the gratitude.Keep a Bin For Donations – Every day you can add things to the bin that can be recycled or donated. Old cutlery that doesn’t get used, old towels for an animal shelter, toys, books, clothes, or any household items. If you make a daily habit, you can drop off your items monthly and enjoy your clean house while knowing you are helping others who need it.Walk a Dog – Offer to walk your neighbour’s dog or a friend’s dog. It will get you out for a walk as well as giving the gift of free time to a friend. The dog wins out as well.Help Your Neighbour – Offer to sweep a driveway, shovel snow, water their plants or take out their garbage. If you are doing your own chores, offer to help someone else and make their day a bit easier.Change Take-Out Containers and Cups with Re-usable Options – Whether it be a coffee or take-out food from the grocery store, bring your own containers and save the planet from waste. Once you use them, keep them handy in your car or your bag so they are always there when you need them. Daily giving can be incorporated into a daily practice without too much work. Of course, it takes a bit of forethought and some good intentions. It takes 66 days to make a new habit, so after a couple months of daily giving, it will become a part of what you do every day.Your planet, your friends, your neighbours and your world will all benefit from your kindness and your generosity. Make a list and start putting your daily giving into practice. Once you do, you will feel better for it and the kindness will spread.So why not give it a try? Sign up for your free 365give membership and take The 365give Challenge. Join other global givers in this challenge who want to make the world and themselves a happier place, one day at a time. Share Article: