Remember to Teach Our Kids PeaceThis quote reminded me that we need to teach our kids peace every single day, war or no war. I dream of giving birth to a child who will ask, ‘Mother, what was war?'” -Eve Merriam. Remembrance Day for many is a day of reflection and a day of thanks for all those that gave their lives in the name of their countries.Today I was reminded of something from my 4 year old son about Remembrance Day it’s not just about war but about peace. He didn’t learn about the war we honour on this day but instead he learned about peace.If we teach our children about peace we won’t have to remember those that have died in past wars. Our children could be the generation that won’t start the wars but practice peace.Could there really be such a world? Will you give your children the gift of teaching them about peace?Today’s post is to share the message that my son shared with me today. A message of peace pasted to a poppy he made in school. We should send this message around the world in hopes one day we all choose kindness, consideration, giving and peace. PoppyPoppy we are but children smallWe are too little to do it allChildren you may do your partLove each other is how you startPlay without fighting.Share your games and toys.Be kind and thoughtful,To all girls and boys. Share Article: