Day 78: Life & DeathThe circle of life is a funny thing. We are born, we build relationships, we have adventures of all kinds then at some point we die. I was faced with a death today that had an impact on me in many ways and also gave me the opportunity to GIVE.Day 78 / GIVE 78Yesterday my girlfriend’s father passed away. It was expected, but still a very sad time for the family and especially my girlfriend as she was very close to him. I didn’t know of his passing until I saw her at our children’s gymnastic class they attend together. I had never met her father and it was wonderful to sit and listen to her talk about who he was and her relationship with him. She had me close to tears many times just thinking about the day that my father will also pass.I had a wonderful opportunity to help out a friend and another Mom. I instantly offered to take her daughter to my house for a play date after class so she was able to have some time to deal with funeral arrangements and also to have some time on her own to grieve.Being a Mom on the good days can be challenging but on the hard days, when you just need some space to breath and a moment of peace, it’s very hard to find these minutes when you have not only one but two children to care for as my friend has.My girlfriend took me up on my offer to help and off she went to do the things she needed to get done. Our kids were happy to have the time together and we did puzzles, music time and even built a train track. It was great for me to just sit and play with them as I tend to get to focused on other jobs when we are at home.After my girlfriend pick up her daughter, I sat down at my computer and decided to write my Dad a note. I wanted him to know how much I valued his role in my life. I didn’t want to wait until the day he was on his death bed to tell him how much I appreciated and loved him. We don’t always think of giving the kind of gift that could mean everything to another person. If we wait to long it may be to late in a person’s life to share your feelings with them.Being a parent is the hardest job you will ever have in your lifetime and it can be a thankless job some days. Until the day your grown child sends you an email to tell you how much they love and appreciate all the things you have done for them in their life.So today I got in a double GIVE day. I helped a girlfriend when she really needed and extra set of hands and I emailed my Dad to share with him the meaning he has had in my life.Who could you lend a hand to today or call / email and say thank you for all a special person has done for you in your life?Time Commitment: 2 hoursCost: 0 Share Article: