Help Australia For Your Daily Give! – Call To ActionAustralia is burning and we can all help! No matter where you live we all have the ability to positively affect the emergency Australia is facing. The news is devastating. People are evacuated from their homes, animals are dying in the fires and millions of hectares of our planet are being destroyed. Today is the day to give to Australia and we have powerful giving ideas for you.What Has Been Lost in the Australian Wild FiresWe first want to thank a friend on LinkedIn who is sharing the results of the wildfires on his page. His information is helping to spring people into action to help those people and animals effected by the fires. Through videos and updates, Ahmad Imam is sharing real time information to his community. We in turn are going to share this information with you. The ripple begins!Here are the latest facts about the damages done by the wildfires as of today:5 Million hectares of land has been destroyed23 people killed1/3 Of the Koala Population has been wiped out480 million animals have been lost in the fires1200 homes are destroyedAnd the fires continue to spread…. How To Help Australia During the Wild FiresThere are many ways to help Australia and Australians during the wildfires. Here are a few ideas for your daily gives.Share Ahmed’s information and updates on Social media. Let others know the facts.Donate to the organizations that can use your help to stop the wild fires and service those affected by the disaster. Australian Red Cross , Australian Salvation Army, New South Wales Fire Department, Victoria Fire Department, Australian Zoo and Wildlife Hospital. Share images and articles about the Australian Wild fires on Twitter, Facebook and InstagramIf you live in Australia, open your home to others who have lost their home in the firesVolunteer at local organizations that are servicing people displaced by the fires – Salvation Army is a good place to startJoin any of the GoFund Me Campaigns for Australia. There are heaps on line and your support would be great.Send Australian Friends a note so they know they are supported.Donations of goods are not recommended at this time. The logistics to get donations to those in need is a challenge while services are fighting the fires. Stay tuned to see how we can continue to help over the next few months. When the wild fires are out, the real help begins, so stay tuned. Today you can help Australia for your daily give online!Follow Ahmad on LinkedIn to stay up to date on the Australian wildfires. Share Article: