Giving Ideas Shared On TikTok #kindness on purposeHave you seen the great giving ideas shared on TikTok? TikTok started as a 30 second video social media platform that brought a ton of fun to many many people. Most people danced, others lipsynced, but lately there has been a lot of kindness and giving stories shared. Our favorite hashtag on TikTok this week is #kindnessonpurpose. What we do is this. We find an inspiring 30 second TikTok video and share it with a bunch of people as our give of the day. It lets others take a break for 30 seconds and be inspired to give to someone else either by sharing the video or completely a small act of giving that fits into their day.Sharing Kindness Spreads KindnessThe scientific term for ‘sharing kindness spreads kindness’ is called positive conformity. It is also referred to as kindness contagion. An article in Scientific America explored positive conformity and concluded that people imitate not only the particulars of positive actions, but also the spirit underlying them. This implies is that kindness itself is contagious, and that that it can cascade across people, taking on new forms along the way. To be a potent social force, positive conformity requires such flexibility.Use the videos below to share kindness with others. It can be your give for the day, a means to inspire others to start a giving practice or share some genuine happiness.Check Out These Happiest Minute HeroesGiving to people at home can be a super rewarding give. It takes a few minutes and you will keep your home #happyathome! @grandadjoe1933I’m not sure I’d still be here without my granddaughter @brookepaintain ❤️ #HappiestMinuteHeroes #Besafebehappy #kindness ♬ Invisible (from the Netflix Film Klaus) – Zara Larsson Giving Ideas Shared On TikTok – This Is How Giving Works!This is a great COVID-19 lesson for us all. This weekly give to a neighbour was a life saver not only for food but a little socialization as well. We can all do a give and help out a neighbour @lisalilyx#happiestminuteheroes ♬ Afterglow – Ed Sheeran Public Gives That Will Make You And Others HappyThere are some real giving heroes out there of all ages. Each of these gives took less than 30 seconds to complete and spread happiness to all involved! @overtimeWe can all still be better ❤️ #love #amazing #kindness #shoutoutot (via docatcdi/TW, h/t rexchapman/TW) ♬ Home – Edith Whiskers Spread Some Happiness With This Anthony Hopkins TikTok Video!Who doesn’t love a fun dance video? I have used this Anthony Hopkins dance video as a give a few times and the response has been great. Those who received it send back a heart emoji and shared another fun dance video with a friend for their give of the day! @anthonyhopkins#Drake I’m late to the party… but better late than never. @oficialstallone @arnoldschnitzel #toosieslidechallenge ♬ original sound – Anthony Hopkins Share Kindness and Happiness Every Day! It Changes the WorldScience backs up the benefits of giving and you can prove it by just giving every day. Try one small act of giving every day for week. See how others positively respond and pass your give forward. You will feel happier, the receiver will feel happier and positive conformity will begin. Why not start spreading happiness in your household, your school, workplace or community. All of us can do with a dose of happiness every day and you have the power to start it.Check out The 365give Challenge and start giving. We provide easy giving ideas, all you have to do is complete one give every day to change the world. Now how easy is that? Share Article: