#Do1Give Day 2021 Final Results – Happiness Is Spreading!The results from #Do1Give Day 2021 are in, happiness is spreading and we are thrilled!Drum roll please! On April 21 2021, 35,000 gives were completed in 50 countries. With the ripple effect of giving in play, 115,000 people were touched by #Do1Give Day! Thank you to everyone who participated, thank you to our event partners and thank you to our wonderful team of volunteers that make all of this happen!Since 2018, participants in #Do1Give Day have touched 465,000 people with 155,000 gives in over 80 countries. Woo Hoo! Lets keep this spreading of happiness going! These events have gone through two years with a pandemic, one inaugural event and one very successful second year event where life was ‘normal’. So as we start to open up countries, curb the effects of the pandemic, and start feeling like the world is ours again, we for see our 2022 event to be a block buster! Schools, workplaces, families and people found creative ways to give in person and virtually this year. We are thrilled to see such a grand turn out as we continue to re-create our lives and nurture those affected by the pandemic.Have a look at this years video of people proudly making the promise to give and making true on that promise!#Do1Give Day 2021 Event Video – Happiness is Spreading Virtual and In Person Giving Reap the Same RewardsWhat we have learned with the #Do1Give Day event and our daily giving is that virtual giving and in person giving produce the same effect. Happiness happens for the giver, the receiver and any witnesses (people share the gives they receive through social media and conversations with virtual gives) which is the prized ripple effect of giving. This gives us all some great advantages when determining an ongoing giving habit to continue the happiness effect of giving. What we love about giving is the flexibility of the giving ideas. We can smile for our give, bake cookies for someone, give away a meal, we can plant a pollinating plant or donate items to the local animal shelter. Gratitude gives are popular these days with text messages, videos, and emails being sent to local businesses, friends, family and even retirees in long term care homes as perfect virtual gives that have brought happiness and enhanced well being to those who received and shared the heart warming messages with others.#Do1Give Day 2022 – April 21, 2022We have schedule our next global giving event for April 21, 2022, so save the date! Now that over 35,000 people have tested the waters on giving, we are hoping for an even better turn out next year! What we love about the event is the giving habit people adopt after they experience the effects of giving. Our membership continues to grow and giving as a daily habit ripples around the globe daily. #Do1Give Day only monitors the gives completed on one day, imagine if we monitored daily giving completed through 365 days!Keep Giving Every Day To Feel Happier and Increase Your Well BeingIf you are not familiar with the science with giving, check it out! Getting your daily DOSE of happiness by giving is the best way to start your day or give your day a boost. I love to see what give or which give presents itself each day. Sometimes I share extra snack bars with those in need when I am running. Some days it is picking up garbage by our local sea shore. Other days it has been an impromptu phone call to a friend, or a deliver to a meal to a family members. All of these gives make me happy, present themselves effortlessly in my day, and I love how I feel after. I am still amazed by the amount of messages I receive from educators, family members, employees and students who just want to share their giving experience with me as they felt so good when they completed their daily give. Thank you for your stories and keep sharing!Not familiar with our event #Do1Give Day? Have a look at our event page and sign up for the 2022 event. You can always start giving before the event, there is no need to wait. Giving can be done every day so we all continue to change the world, one give, one day at a time. Share Article: