Day 298: The Secret to Happiness Every DayWhy do we think there is a secret to happiness every day. Why do we think happiness is so hard to achieve. After 298 of giving every day I like to think I know a little about the topic. Some days are easy and some days are just plain hard but at the end of each day I go to sleep knowing I did something to make the world a better place. It just makes me feel happy. Read on to discover how you can pull yourself out of the darkest of days with one simple thing…Day 298 / Give 298Just 2 weeks ago I wrote a very personal post about grieving. It was Day 286. I will never forget this day as it was a terribly sad day in our family. Just hours before we were to meet our second adopted son we got a call that due to legal complications the adoption was not going to proceed. We were heart broken. The crib had been set up, the drapers bought even the home coming outfit had been chosen. You wonder how you will get through days like that in your life. I made a choice that day that kept me from staying in bed rolled in a ball in tears – I decided to keep giving. Giving alwasy makes me feel better. It always makes me feel like I am doing something to help another which in turn helps me.The baby went into foster care and that day I made a donation to the Dave Thomas Foundation. This organization supports children in foster care in Canada and the US assisting with the adoption process. They have a belief that every child deserves a home.A few weeks have passed since the adoption was cancelled and I still felt a need to help. I knew the baby was still in foster care and I wanted to see if I could help. I called the social worker and offered baby items including blankets, diapers and clothes for the Foster Mom. Foster parents don’t make a lot of money and we all know how much it costs to feed, cloth and diaper a baby. The help was welcome and I dug through all the wonderful clothes that had been past on to me to give to Mothers in need from my friends as well as items I had bought for this babies homecoming. I easily filled two bags plus two boxes of diapers and I was all set to give.I met briefly with the babies social worker and thanked her for giving me the opportunity to give back to this little baby and his Foster Mom. I wished them all the best and a speedy resolution to a difficult situation for the child. I brought my 3 year old son with me so he could do the “give of the day” as well. I am blessed with a beautiful adopted little boy already and I can only be thankful for what I have – not what I don’t have.So what is the secret to feeling happiness every day? Giving.Give from your heart. Give from a place of love no matter how big or small. Take even what seems like the worst day of your life and turn it into something good. Trust me it works.Time Commitment: 1 hourCost: 0 items donated to me or already bought Share Article: