Day 149: Take a Friend to LunchToday’s GIVE was to a dear friend that needed some Mommy advice. Opportunities come up to GIVE in all kinds of ways and today I was GIVING to a friend that needed some support.Day 149: Give 149My girlfriend just announced she was pregnant with twins. Her first. Ouch. One is enough for most of us at a time, but two can feel over whelming. She needed to have a chat with a friend that would not over whelm her with advice and take some time to be grounded and “in the moment” with her and her “blessings” growing in her tummy.I will never forget the day I held my son in my arms for the first time. You can plan all you want and try to figure it all out before they arrive but you never know what it’s going to be like for you until you bring your babies home. I am an adoptive mother and only had a few days to prepare for my son before he came home. I consider it a blessing that I didn’t have time to buy to much “stuff” and get over whelmed with advice from family and friends. We just took a deep breath and jumped into parenthood. We discovered what we needed as we went along and figured out how to be parents in the best way we knew how.My girlfriend was having a hard time as she was trying to “plan” it all and was getting overwhelmed trying to figure it all out. I told her to just enjoy being pregnant – sick days and all. Talk to her babies that were growing inside her and enjoy the quiet time she had with them as they grew. Even though I never went through a pregnancy with my son I used to take long walks dreaming of the day I would be a parent. The glorious moments of cuddling with them, watching them ride a bike for the first time, the first day of school and even the day they graduate. I miss those days now that I have him running around my feet all the time.So my GIVE today was buying my girlfriend lunch and giving her the time to talk about how she felt. Sometimes it’s just what we need.How can you help a friend today even if it’s just taking the time to listen.Time Commitment: 1.5 hoursCost: lunch! Share Article: