10 Fun Giving Activities for Kids During COVID-19Who needs fun activities for kids during COVID-19? We can all agree, self-isolation is a challenge. And staying home with kids is even harder. With schools closed and workplaces going remote, we are all getting to know our family members and our homes more intimately. COVID-19 has presented many challenges to daily life, and it may go on for many months, so we need to pull together and focus on the end result of getting through this challenging time – together. Daily giving can continue to be a part of your life, and your fun, while staying at home. Bring some happiness into your home with these giving activities for kids during COVID-19.Giving Creates HappinessGiving will help pass the time as well as put a smile on your face and the receiver of your kindness. Virtual giving is our new reality and as we discover new ways to reach out and connect, it will create feelings of gratitude and positivity. And let’s face it, we all need some new ideas to keep kids happy and busy during these unprecedented circumstances.Here are some fun giving activities for kids during COVID-19 to keep the fun and happiness alive from you home:Kindness Rocks. Paint rocks with inspiring or happy messages and place them in neighbour’s gardens, at the end of their driveways, or next to the sidewalk.Window Messages. Make colourful paintings – rainbows or flowers or happy faces – and hang them in your windows facing out to brighten someone’s day.Keep in Touch. Call or video message a family member to say hello and stay connected.Gratitude Notes. Email notes of gratitude or pictures to teachers, coaches or instructors.Expand your Cuisine. Bake or cook something new for your family to try – each family member can research and choose something new.Theme Day. Choose a country or place – ie Hawaii, France, or Mexico – dress up and make food from that country.Recycled Crafts. Make a bird feeder out of household materials, hang it outside and note the types of birds that it attracts.Stay Active. Make up obstacle races in your home or backyard and time each other. You don’t need a lot of space – examples of obstacles could include count to 100 by 10’s or 10 jumping jacks, then move on to the next one.Clean Up and Out. Every family member chooses a closet or cupboard to clean out. Recycle or put things aside to donate at a later time.Laugh Daily – make up riddles or jokes and put them in a hat. Draw them out during the day or set aside a “joke of the day”. Share the favorite ones with family or friends by email or phone.Make Sheltering In Place Fun With One Give Every DayThe COVID-19 pandemic is creating challenges for every part of our lives right now. Giving is a sure fire way to create happiness in the home and around the world. Make giving fun by encouraging your kids to find new ways to share happiness with friends and family.If we can all keep the giving cycle going and find new ways to be kind online, the ripple will continue and we will not only make it through this pandemic, we will come out the other side with new tools for daily giving, gratitude and happiness.Share your ideas with us at [email protected], post a photo on Instagram, or to our Facebook page. Use the hashtags #happyathome #365give #givingeverydayNot a member? Sign up for your free 365give membership today and let the happiness begin! Share Article: