Do1Give Day created a ripple of

love change happiness compassion

You did it!

Do1Give Day changed the world in just one day!

Thanks to your participation and commitment, Do1Give Day spread a powerful message of giving and generosity around the world. Countless small acts of giving were performed, creating ripples of positivity that impacted the lives of many. We celebrate this global movement of love and happiness with you!

Results 2024


small acts of
giving completed





Join now for Do1Give Day April 24, 2025!

impact to date:

236,000 gives
756,000 lives enriched

What people are saying about Do1Give Day

“It was amazing! My kids loved it, their parents loved it, the people who got our 365gives loved it! I'm very happy with our work​.”
Giselle: Teacher, Brazil
“The kids expressed how satisfied they felt about helping the community and how they are proud of themselves.”
Teacher, India
“The students and staff loved Do1Give Day. The event was very successful.”​
Principal, Vancouver, Canada
“It’s wonderful to see the effect that your Do1Give Day efforts have had on our school district.”​
School superintendent, Vancouver, Canada

increases global
happiness and well-being
, every year!

The latest research confirms that giving increases physical health, mental health, and well-being. Just ONE small act of giving to people, animals, or the planet will grow those giving muscles, making you mentally stronger, physically healthier, and happier every day.


We are grateful for the people and organizations that support our work.