Day 336: What Was Your Passion at 12 Years Old?What were you doing at the age of 12? Did you have a passion at 12 years old?Skateboarding, biking, watching TV, soccer, ballet, softball or just hanging with your friends? Do you even remember?Did you have a passion? Did you know what you wanted to be when you grew up?Did you want to create positive change in the world? Did you try to impact millions?Meet Mac. Passion, Commitment & a clear Focus at the age of 12 and…..He’s changing the world.httpv:// 336: Give 336httpv:// the age of 7 Mac went to his Mom and told her he wanted to make videos / movies. At the age of 12 he’s shooting, editing and producing videos for his website and YouTube with a clear message.Homelessness in youth (supporting Convenant House) Pink Shirt Day Campaign: Anti Bullying in schools Vancouver the Great: A reminder of the good that came from the Vancouver riots (video featured)“The point of my videos is not about me or how many views I can on YouTube but to bring awareness to these causes because we all have family and we are all affected in one way or another. I have been asked by three different teachers, from three different schools if I could come in and talk to the students, show my films and answer questions. My plan is to ask the students if they could each bring in a loonie and at the end of my presentation the kids can choose where they would like their donation to go.” quoted from 316Mackie.comMac, I will be your first loonie donation. In fact I will be sending you 10 loonies to begin your awareness campaign.It was an honour to meet Mac and share his story with you. We can all give to Mac today by showing him support for his passion. Watch his videos and share them.Let’s encourage the youth of today to step up and be part of the change. Mac has the ability to not only create impact through his videos but to influence his piers which in turn creates the ripple effect that will make the next generation aware of the every day issues that effect us all.Time Commitment: 15 minutes to watch and favourite Mac’s videosCost: 10 loonies to get Mac’s campaign started Share Article:4 Comments Cathy | Treatment Talk on September 14, 2011 at 5:37 am How wonderful that a twelve year old is making a difference with his videos. Sounds like a movie maker in training. Thanks for sharing. jacqueline on September 14, 2011 at 5:43 pm Thanks for the comment Cathy! I will be watching Mac for his first Red Carpet appearance one day when he wins his first documentary Gold Statue! It truly makes my heart sing to see the next generation making a difference and understanding the challenges in our world. Colleen Friesen on October 20, 2011 at 4:22 am If I could go back, w-a-a-a-y back, to when I was twelve, I would wish that I could have the awareness and the heart that Mac is demonstrating. He is one very cool guy. jacqueline on October 20, 2011 at 4:41 am Amazing isn’t he. He is one to watch. I know one day he is truly going to rock the world. To have that kind of insight and passion!
Cathy | Treatment Talk on September 14, 2011 at 5:37 am How wonderful that a twelve year old is making a difference with his videos. Sounds like a movie maker in training. Thanks for sharing.
jacqueline on September 14, 2011 at 5:43 pm Thanks for the comment Cathy! I will be watching Mac for his first Red Carpet appearance one day when he wins his first documentary Gold Statue! It truly makes my heart sing to see the next generation making a difference and understanding the challenges in our world.
Colleen Friesen on October 20, 2011 at 4:22 am If I could go back, w-a-a-a-y back, to when I was twelve, I would wish that I could have the awareness and the heart that Mac is demonstrating. He is one very cool guy.
jacqueline on October 20, 2011 at 4:41 am Amazing isn’t he. He is one to watch. I know one day he is truly going to rock the world. To have that kind of insight and passion!