Creating a Ripple Effect Today with the Magic of Daily GivingActs of kindness can improve one’s mental health and wellbeing which can create a ripple effect of joy and fulfillment for the giver and the receiver as well. There are many ways that we can create a ripple effect in giving daily. Here are some ways we can start to create a ripple effect today through our actions.Laugh out loud.“Laughter IS the best medicine after all,” isn’t it? When we hear others laugh, it’s contagious, it in turn makes us laugh. Try it and see how it creates belly laughs all around.Bake a huge batch of cookies and invite your friends over for tea. There is nothing better than some homemade cookies (made with love) and a good time with good company is always uplifting.Give a small amount (or however much you can) to a charity of your choosing. When we donate to a charity, you are making a difference. Every little bit helps and is so much appreciated by the charity or cause you are donating to.Make a list of 5 people who have made a difference in your life and tell them so. One simple “thank you for making a difference in my life” can go a long way and really change someone’s day for the better.Say “I love you.” It’s so simple, yet so hard for some people to state their love for others. It can be a partner, a friend, a child. Some people don’t often hear those words. Letting people know they are loved is a simple, yet profound gesture.Play with your kids (every day). Time goes by really fast and children remember the fun times and remember the quality time spent together. The dishwasher needs to be unloaded? Oh well, there is always tomorrow – first up, playing outside with the kids.Really strive to live in the present moment. Take time to savour the moment. Don’t worry about tomorrow because tomorrow isn’t promised to anyone. Live for today and enjoy what is happening right now.De-clutter your home and office and donate to Salvation Army or another charity of your choosing. One person’s trash is another person’s treasure. Why not allow someone else to enjoy something that no longer serves you but most certainly may serve another person.Buy yourself flowers. We don’t need someone else to buy us flowers. If you love flowers, pick up a bunch after work on your way home.Spend time with someone who needs you. If you have a friend that is struggling or a family member who has called and is under the weather, why not spend a little bit of time sitting down with them for a coffee, taking them for a walk in nature or simply spending time talking to them on the phone. It could make a world of difference.Be kind to yourself. Treat yourself today. It’s not always about being kind to everyone else around you, but rather being kind to yourself. You deserve kindness from yourself just as much as the next person deserves your kindness.Gather your closest friends and have a monthly random act of kindness afternoon. Give back to your community by volunteering at a soup kitchen or picking up garbage at a park, spending time with the elderly in a nursing home, helping out with Habitat for Humanity.Tell someone you love that you believe in them and hold a positive vision for them. There are some people who have never had someone tell them “I believe in you.” This small gesture can go a long way in boosting someone’s morale and confidence.Read a good book and share what you learned. You can either do this by joining a book club and being able to discuss the book with like-minded individuals or simply call up a friend and discuss the book with them and maybe even ask them if they want to borrow the book from you to read themselves.Sponsor a child around the world. There are so many children in different countries that need our help and sometimes sponsorship is very minimal but can mean the world to that child and their family (if they are not orphaned).Cut your neighbour’s lawn. Sometimes all it takes is cutting your neighbour’s lawn to create a profound sense of peace in their day. It could be an elderly or disabled neighbour who struggles to do physical labour and it could be a simple gesture on your part that saves them a lot of pain and suffering.Take a break with a co-worker you don’t know well and find out some more about them. Taking the time to really engage with someone you don’t know very much about can really change the office vibes and can improve your relationships. Showing that you actually care about someone and that you are engaging in knowing more about them can really be the difference in making them feel welcome.Let the car in front of you into your lane. When the person next to you is signaling, why not let them in? It takes no effort on your part to just let the person in and it makes them happy and you’ve done something to make a difference in their lives. Simple yet powerful.As you can see, daily giving creates a ripple effect. The examples above show us how one small act of kindness can change the way you feel for the rest of your day and it also improves the wellbeing and the way the receiver feels. Everyone is happier and we feel a sense of fulfillment when we give.For more ways to give and feel more fulfilled in your daily life, check out the blog at today! Or read these articles for further inspiration:How Your Small Acts of Giving Can Create Big Smiles Today10 Simple Acts of Giving That Improve Mental Health Patty Benfeito+ postsBioI am a mom of 2 amazing teenage boys, I work in the healthcare field in Human Resources. I love spending time with my partner, Tim and our kids. I enjoy reading, going for walks, spending time at the beach and hanging out by the fire pit delighting in bonfires in the summer months and going for long country drives, stopping to grab an ice creram somewhere along the way. My passion in life is to help others and be the change we want to see in the world and hence why I am a part of the team and movement.Patty Benfeito Wellness: Self-Care Tips to Strengthen Bonds and Boost Well-BeingPatty Benfeito to Prioritize Your Mental Health Goals in the New YearPatty Benfeito the Love with a Reverse Advent Calendar this DecemberPatty Benfeito Ideas for Virtual Celebration Ideas and Giving for People Share Article: