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7 Gives Your Parents Will Love Especially If You Do The Give


When you write out your weekly giving ideas do you include gives your parents will love? Being a parent is the most important job in the world. And sometimes the most difficult. The UN declared June 1 the Global Day of Parents in recognition of the important role that parents play in raising children and creating a nurturing environment filled with love, happiness, and understanding. Countries around the world may have a different day to celebrate the commitment of parents, but whatever the day, take this opportunity to thank the parents in your life for their selfless commitment.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, it is more difficult to see our parents if we don’t live in the same house. Here are some giving ideas to help you show your appreciation both personally and virtually.

Make Your Parent Give A Video Call

If you can’t visit in person due to Covid-19 restrictions, reach out and say hi in other ways.  Stay connected with a video chat. It’s as close to being in person as we can right now and it is guaranteed to brighten your parent’s day.

Organize Your Family Photo Memories

Offer to help organize digital photos. Or make photo slide shows or books from a trip or a celebration or even a yearbook with additions from your own collection. Photos make great memories and keep people connected, while lifting spirits and making people happy.

Write A Handwritten Card To Your Parents

Old fashioned mail is still around and it is meaningful. Send a card, a note or an old photo. If you have children, have them create a picture and send it in the mail to their grandparents. Your parents will cherish it.

Make a Meal or Send a Meal To Your Parents

If you live with your parents, offer to cook a meal. If you live close to your parents, cook a meal and drop it off. If you live far away, find a restaurant or grocery store that delivers and send a meal or the ingredients for a meal that your family enjoyed. It will be like having a family dinner.

Plant a Flower In Honor of Your Parents

This is a give your parents will love. Pick up some seeds and plant a flower. You can either send your parents the same seeds and plant them together or send photos of your progress and take the flower to them in person once you are able to move around more safely.

Give Back By Cleaning A Space At Home

Offer to help clean a cupboard, a garage, a storage space or a closet for your parents. Most parents have old memories tied up in books, photos or papers somewhere in their home. Offer to help organize or clean out an area. If you can’t see them in person yet, offer to clean up the outside or do some gardening.

 Time Is A Great Give

Parents are busy. The one thing they all lack is time. If you can give your parents time, it is a gift. Get creative and think of something your parents want to do but never get around to it. Ideas include a cooking class, yoga, a weekend away, or reading a good book. You can send them an e-book, an online cooking class, a basket of appetizers and bubbly to feel like they are on vacation. All gestures are appreciated.

 Give Back to Your Parents

Parents give unconditionally without expecting anything in return. Surprise them with a gift – whether its your time, some cherished memories or a simple gesture – everything is appreciated and you can show them your gratitude in a meaningful way to remind them of the important role they play in your life and the lives around them. Check out some other blog posts that help you with ideas for parent gives so you can do some gives your parents will love.

What people are saying about 365give

“I wanted to express my gratitude for the teaching you provided today. Your message was delivered eloquently, compassionately, and without judgment. The kids were engaged, and now have knowledge with which they can change the world. We all appreciated how you took the time to help us learn to build positive mindsets and practice happiness.”
Shelley Gardner, Grade 6 Ridgeview Elementary (West Vancouver)
“Actions really do speak louder than words, which is why I believe the 365give Challenge has resonated throughout my community. Every give we do is so important to us and leaves us happier and appreciating our lives a little bit more than before.”
Mahina Niyozova (Tajikistan)
“After watching the 365give TEDx Talk, I was inspired to join and begin a daily giving program in India. Today, along with 12 other volunteer women, we provide 100 meals to local underprivileged children in Bangalore for school every day.”
Deepika Ahuja, Mom (Bangalore, India)
“My life has greater meaning now.”
Renate Jorge, @BeKindBrazil and 365give Member, Family Program (Brazil)
“I just wanted to share that 365give really helped me. I am a better person now, thank you.”
MayLee, 365give Member, Individual Program
“This 365give Challenge has really injected excitement and extra enthusiasm in each work day as I think about what we can do. It has motivated me and the students.”
Cristina Peters, School Counselor (New York City, USA)
“I have seen a huge shift in energy throughout my classroom since doing the 365give Challenge. The Challenge has empowered my students to make a positive difference in the school’s community and beyond.”
Cella Adriana, Special Needs Educator /The Holliswood School (New York City, USA)
“The 365give Challenge helps students understand their impact on others. It opens avenues for introducing and discussing global and local issues in classrooms. It is powerful to watch students of all ages think about how they can make a change in another person’s life with one small act.”
Jessica Hall, Primary Teacher, French Immersion at École Pauline Johnson (West Vancouver, Canada)