20 Simple Ways to Give Love and Spread Kindness for DiwaliDiwali is the biggest and most important holiday of the year in India. Known as “the festival of lights” its name is derived from the clay lamps used to symbolize inner light protection from spiritual darkness. Originally a festival for Hindus, it is now celebrated by much of India and is akin to Christmas in the Christian nations.There are many ways to celebrate Diwali including worship, fireworks, sharing sweets and lavish meals, and lights. It is the perfect celebration to give love and to spread kindness with others.20 Ways to Give Love for DiwaliHere are ideas for home, work, school, your community, and ways to share love and kindness to animals and to ourselves, all wrapped up in a list that makes it easy for anyone to spread happiness this holiday season.Give Love at Home:Make homemade cards to give to friends and familyMake sweets and treats to share with neighboursOrganize family games to share timeGive Love in the Community:Donate clothes and essentials to local sheltersVolunteer at local food banks or food sheltersPlant a tree or plants in the neighbourhoods or at local parksGive Love at Work or School:Write notes of appreciation for colleagues or teachersOrganize a charity drive to collect donations for a causeArrange a small surprise celebration to recognize co-workers or school staff for their work or achievementsSpread Kindness OnlineSend messages to distant friends and familyParticipate in online fundraisers or charity evetsShare positive messages on social media to inspire othersSpread Kindness to AnimalsDonate or volunteer at a local animal shelterProvide food or water for stray animals in yours or other neighbourhoodsAdopt or foster a pet to provide a safe, loving home for an animal in needSelf-Kindness and Self-LovePractice mindfulness or mediation to promote inner peaceEngage in hobbies or activities that bring joy or happinessReflect on personal growth and set positive intentions for the futureSpreading KindnessSpreading kindness and giving love to your friends, family, colleagues, and to yourself are great ways to share the joy of the Diwali celebration. Also showing this love and kindness for animals deepens the effect you can have on spreading happiness in this joyous season.Read more about celebrating Diwali:7 Simple Ways to Give Love and Kindness During DiwaliLet Diwali Light Up Your Giving Routine Tammy Lawrence+ postsBioTammy was born and raised on the North Shore of Vancouver and has always believed in supporting the community. She spent years in non-profit work advocating for girls and women in sport and physical activity and then moved on to fundraising for Big Sisters. She currently works from home as a freelance writer while raising her kids. Always passionate about children and youth and giving back to the community, Tammy found a perfect fit with 365give.Tammy Lawrencehttps://365give.ca/author/tammy-lawrence/Sharing Love Made Easy: Everyday Acts to Show CareTammy Lawrencehttps://365give.ca/author/tammy-lawrence/You Can Help Those Affected by the Los Angeles WildfireTammy Lawrencehttps://365give.ca/author/tammy-lawrence/Eco-Friendly Wellness: Simple Resolutions to Protect the Earth and Your HealthTammy Lawrencehttps://365give.ca/author/tammy-lawrence/Kickstart Your Year: New Year’s Practices for Personal Growth Share Article: