Mental Health, Well-Being & Giving at Work -It’s Linked Did you know that well-being & giving are linked to our overall mental health? The mental health and wellbeing of a person is intrinsically linked. You cannot have poor mental health and good wellbeing. For many of us, being at work takes up a big chunk of time in our daily lives, so how does your workplace contribute to your wellbeing?A healthy workplace involves workers feeling respected. It is when workers feel and experience a sense of balance between work and life. For managers and company owners, their employees’ poor mental health is something that should not be ignored. It can cost more than just working days lost and low morale. Studies have shown that employees who are not having their mental health and wellbeing needs met are more likely to become: depressed, injured, suffer from anxiety, behave more violently, get involved in conflicts and it can make them more susceptible to some cancers and heart disease. Big stuff. But we don’t have to be managers, or bosses to help take care of a worker’s mental health – we can help each other to feel good by giving back to our workmates.What is Required for Good Mental Health at Work?For people to feel happy at work they need a positive and healthy work culture. This involves all of us treating each other with kindness and respect. We may work with people who have differing opinions and interests and, perhaps conflicting personalities, but what we all share is the need to be treated with fairness, show appreciation and recognize our hard work. Feeling a sense of trust with our colleagues and in an environment where we spend most hours in our days is critical. Believe it or not, we share more similarities with our fellow humans than differences, so try not to judge others and consider these similarities in times of frustration. How Can We Take Care of Ourselves at Work? Having a satisfying work/life balance is the ultimate goal. Everyday choices and how we work with others can help you get there. Try to limit your overtime, recognize your boundries, and help others so no one has to work overtime. If you have work that you need to take home outside of work hours, ensure you restrict this to after family time, or a peaceful break for dinner. Your brain needs downtime and actually becomes more productive if it’s not forced to work all day long. Try to limit additional work, for example, and if you can, choose free-time over extra money whenever you get the opportunity. Your mind and body will thank you.What Can We Do to Take Care of Others at Work? Well-Being & Giving at Work Start by thinking about well-being & giving at work! Well-being and giving at work go hand in hand. Our colleagues are around us for so much of our time, so it’s important to take care of them. Small and thoughtful gifts can be the best way to show appreciation to your workmates, but we’re not talking about the kind that requires spending money – we’re talking about the 365give giving style! Next week at work, try these considerate gives at work:Remember what your colleagues have planned and enquire about it the following day, as a gesture of caring that shows people you truly listen when they talk.Offering to babysit, or look after pets/plants could be a kind way to help someone at work out. Alternatively you might be able to recommend a nephew, niece or neighbour who could do this for them for some cash. Connecting people that you know are trustworthy, is a great way to help several people at once. Discourage gossip and toxic talk at work, to ensure people are not creating an unhealthy work environment. Say no to unkind nicknames, inappropriate jokes and spreading rumours about your coworkers. As a rule of thumb – if you wouldn’t want it said about you, don’t say it about others.Be supportive if someone confides in you. You may be the first person they’re opening up to, so if you take the time to listen to them and show that you care, you could make a big difference to how they feel.So consider your workmates’ mental health and well-being by offering considerate gives whenever the opportunities arise. You might just become the most popular person in the office!We have plenty of work-related giving ideas at 365give and a free membership for any workplace that wants to start a giving habit. This is a sure fire way to help our mental health, with well-being & giving at work as a priority. If you’d like more inspiration of how to help work friends, the added bonus being your own well-being boost that’s achieved when we do good for others! Share Article: