Gratitude During the Holidays – Giving with Your Voice Not Your Wallet Looking to share some gratitude over the holidays? Voicing gratitude is expressing a feeling of appreciation with your attitude or words. Research continues to show that the more gratitude you convey the more well being you experience. By expressing appreciation, you give and receive happiness without emptying your wallet. Saying a simple thank you in person is always appreciated and takes little effort. But sometimes it’s nice to express your thanks in a more significant way. This holiday season why not try some creative ways to say thank you to your friends and family. Lets show others some gratitude.Creative Ways to Voice Your Gratitude & Say Thanks Over the Holidays(source LifeHack, 20 Ways to Say Thank you, J.S. Wayne)1.Give a toast – Writing and delivering a sincere toast at a get together is a nice way to show appreciation. Public speaking is a challenge for most, thus this gesture really shows your extra effort. The holidays are a time to be sentimental with your family and friends. So, speak from your heart and let everyone know your true feelings.2. Write a poem – Writing someone a poem is one of the best ways to show that you appreciate them. There are lots of examples on the internet of poems expressing thanks. Use them for inspiration to create your own. Again keep if fun, humour is always appreciated.3. Holiday E-Card – A step up from an email, put in some time and effort and create personalized cards to wish your loved ones happy holidays Pick a template, upload a family photo and add a short message. Customize the card to reflect your personality.4. Send Video Greetings – Use video to communicate and share your message with friends and family worldwide. Grab a bunch of old pictures and add some great music. Alternatively, film yourself talking for 5-10 minutes about the year, what you’ve accomplished and what you are grateful for this holiday season.5. Handwritten Thank you Note – A handwritten card or note of thanks is a heartfelt way to express gratitude. It shows thoughtfulness with the time and care you put into wirting and sending it. Be sure to express gratitude for the gift or action you recieved and mention how you benefited from it.6. Bake and deliver cookies – Baking cookies is a fun and delicious way to say thank you to someone. Attach a thank you note and surprise some special people with the gift of your effort and a sweet treat.Gratitude As An AttitudeVoicing your gratitude is a good habit to develop this festive season. Gratitude helps people feel more positive, improves their health, helps them deal with adversity, and build strong relationships. Gratitude is an attitude that can also be expressed by giving back. Reap the benefits of giving back all year round by signing up for a free 365give membership. Share Article: