Give Back With Your Social Media Groups On #Do1Give DayWe love seeing how you give back with your social media groups, love it! Since the first #COVID-19 lock down in China, new community based social media groups have been popping up all over the place. Having this virtual connection helps us to reach out, socialize, and help our neighbours as we stay at home. Many people are also looking for ways to give back during #COVID-19. Social Media groups are a great place to start giving back, but mobilizing your social media group on #Do1Give Day could really make a huge difference. This is where we use social media for true social good!Give Back With Your Social Media Groups On #DO1Give Day April 15, 2020So how can your social media group make a difference on April 15th? You can spread the word that #Do1Give Day is happening. That is the first step! One post about the event will spread to all members in your group, give them a bigger reason to give back and make the community happier. People are following the great acts of giving during COVID-19, but on April 15th, your give will be counted towards a global giving number. Showing people the small acts of giving that are happening world wide as they shelter in place gives us hope, shows there is more happening in the world than the daily news feed but most importantly it shows us all that people are giving back by the hundreds of thousands! These types of numbers makes all of us, givers or not, feel happy, decreases our stress and just leaves us feeling great! Record Your Daily Give on April 15th and Make the World A Much Happier Place!So if you like giving and you want to make the world happier, lets use social media for social good and start planning our gives. Share your gives with your social media group using the hashtag #Do1Give Day #365give #tagurit so people can see the impact a small give can have. The ripple effect of giving is proven to generate happiness, inspire others to give and show how easy giving can be. Some groups are calling all members to do one give on April 15th so we can show the world that great things, kind actions, generous spirited actions are happening globally.Try one of these simple daily gives. Shout out to a local small business that could use your support. Drop groceries by a neighbours front door. Do a COVID-19 check in with 5 community members. Share a happiness quote on your social media community page so people can start their day with a smile. Share a video that explains how to make a mask at home. Offer to read a story to a young one over video. Offer to call an elder for a simple chat. Send a care package to someone who you know is struggling financially. Post the latest grocery coupons online so people can take advantage of the savings. These small gives make a big difference in people’s lives and can be facilitated on your local social media group.We all need a bit of happiness right now. Even when we are not faced with a global pandemic, everyone benefits from a little happiness. When you complete or receive a small act of giving, you do feel happier, your personal joy increases and stress decreases. Your physiological and mental state changes, for the better.Reach Out to Your Local Social Media Group and Watch the Magic HappenWhy not give it a dress rehearsal this week? Ask your social media group to do one give. Get them to share what they did so others are inspired by their giving and share great giving ideas. Many social media groups are already doing this, but why not formalize it to increase happiness. When you witness the results your group will be motivated to give more, every day, to change your community.#Do1Give Day Is A Great Way To Test Out Giving Every DayGive it a try. See how your feel, how your community reacts, how inspired people are, and how happy you all feel. Once you see, feel, hear, witness the impact of a small give, you will be looking for a daily giving opportunity every day. Give back with your social media groups and mobilize joy!Sign up for a free membership at 365give to obtain your free #Do1Give Day event supports. Add your give to the global totals so all of us can change the world on April 15th! Share Article: