Day 48: National Philanthropic Week on 365GIVE – A Dog StoryI decided this week would be National Philanthropic Week on 365give. One day is a great start to be philanthropic but a week is a commitment that encourages you to GIVE back every day.I sent a request to my friends and family to send me an email me their GIVES that I could post on my site in honour of National Philanthropic Day. I received my first story from a dear friend, writer and GIVER! Here is Megan’s GIVE of the day.This is a GIVE I am not able to do as we already have a dog (also from the SPCA) and is a unique GIVE that would not have been seen on 365give other wise. Thank you Megan for being so kind and generous to animals in need.Day 48: Give 48 Photo by Kevin NorrisI have always wanted a dog of my own, yet I decided that at this point in my life I could not commit to a 15-year responsibility. I decided to foster through the SPCA and have had some of the most rewarding experiences of my life.The SPCA foster dog program is amazing, and it greatly increases a dog’s chance of finding a permanent home. By fostering, I take the dogs out of the kennel, which for some dogs, especially those with fear issues, is a place that makes them anxious and anti-social. When I pick up the dog for the first time at the SPCA, they seem timid and unsure, and people often mistake their growls for aggression. These dogs just need a home where they can be loved, get a lot of exercise, and find some stability while we learn to trust each other.I usually have each dog for 3-4 months, and by the time they are ready for adoption they seem like different dogs. They love to be around people, they love to have their belly scratched, and they rarely growl or back away. Instead, these dogs are confident and trusting, and eager to play.As an SPCA foster mom, I get to choose which family adopts each dog – a great option since the foster parent usually knows which home environment is best suited for their dog. While it is extremely hard to give up a dog you have come to love, at the end of the day I feel like I have helped rehabilitate the dog and have found them a home where they can enjoy life and enrich the lives of those around them.-Megan, Vancouver Founder of Marketing / Development Commitment: Weeks worth of timeCost: Also huge to feed and care for an animal Share Article: