Day 355: Arts for Children and Youth Benefit From A LikeReally, there is a benefit from a like that counts as my daily give. Social media has made this possible and a like on a page will do it!Note – On Maternity Leave! For the next 3 “gives” Jacqueline Way, Founder of 365give will be on a short sabbatical as she just adopted a baby boy a few days ago. (See Day 352) In her place Nicola Inwood (generous sister) will be posting the daily “give.” If you do not get an immediate response to emails, FB comment or Tweets please understand that Jacqueline does not have immediate access to her social media communication at the moment. Thank you for the understanding.Give 355: Day 355Giving is as easy as one click on a Like! Scotaibank nuit Blance Fluxe has build a Facebook sponsorship program where every like that they have on their fan page will donate $1 to the Arts for Children and Youth organization! Take two minutes of your time to like the Fan page and you will contribute to this great childrens charity that focuses on arts for kids and youth!If you want your give to go even further, send this post to your friends on facebook and they too can give!Arts for Children and Youth is located in Toronto, Ontario. It works to empower marginalized children and youth by engaging them in hands-on, community and school-based arts education programs that respect existing cultural and community activity, resulting in participatory action and social awareness. This is a give we can all do today that will help change the next generation. They will know that by people supporting and giving to the Arts for Children and Youth program the world is a more creative and beautiful place.Like the Scotiabank Fanpage and donate towards this arts centered program today!Time Commitment: 1 minuteCost: 0 Share Article: