Day 300: How to Change the World with Just a TweetIt is true, you can change the world with just a tweet and these gals i am featuring today are doing just that. If you had asked me on Day 1 what Day 300 of 365 Days of giving would look like I wouldn’t have been able to answer that question. Now I am here and the official countdown begins to the final day of giving. I will tell you one thing about giving every day – it feels GREAT! Just knowing I will accomplish this mission and I have been able to reach out to so many people is enough the get the celebration under way.What better way to celebrate than to dance? Here is a little something created by two students that have a passion for children in Africa.Day 300: Give 300 On Day 262 I did a post on an organization called Building Tomorrow. The post featured a student intern named Claire. Claire is working with the Building Tomorrow team, learning all there is to know about the challenges in Africa and the challenges of being a not-for-profit organization.The above video featured Claire and her co-worker Estelle as they have taken their passion for kids, education and Uganda and created a very fun video to help bring awareness to Building Tomorrow. This is “Gen Y” in action in their own unique way. They don’t have money to give but they are creative, innovative and committed. I have said it before but Gen Y is the generation that will change the world.Today my give is to help bring awareness to their Twitter Campaign. They have a simple goal and we can all help. 10,000 Twitter Followers for Build Tomorrow before the end of their internship at the end of the summer. If you are in the not for profit world you know awareness is half the battle. The big goal is to get the attention of Ellen Degeneres as they go on this Twitterfest. They understand the impact celebrity can make on an organization and I give them big kudos for putting themselves out there to try and get the attention for an organization they feel so passionate about.Here is how we can all help.1) Follow them on Twitter.(@BldgTomorrow)2) RT this post and make sure you include Ellen (@TheEllenShow). She will have to take notice if she get inundated with tweets.3) Join the Tweetathon #BTweetathon. The party begins tomorrow -August 2, 2011 from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm tweet, tweet and tweet some more.Building Tomorrow has a simple mission – they are encouraging philanthropy among young people by raising awareness and funds to build and support educational infrastructure projects for underserved children throughout sub-Saharan Africa.We know the children in Africa need our support, care and love and we now have the chance to show the next generation we support their philanthropic endeavours. Do your give of the day in just a few easy clicks. Click to Follow @BldgTomorrow, favourite their video on You Tube and in just 140 characters send Ellen a quick note.I may be my Day 300 of giving but it`s never to late to start giving. Make today your Day 1 of giving every day and show the children of Africa you care.Time Commitment: 3 minutes of TwitteringCost: 0 Share Article:1 Comment jacqueline on October 16, 2011 at 3:30 pm I respect your opinion. We all have a different outlook it`s the great thing about life!
jacqueline on October 16, 2011 at 3:30 pm I respect your opinion. We all have a different outlook it`s the great thing about life!