Day 25: How Many Coffee Cups are there in The World?Today was one of those tough days. My 3 year old son stopped his afternoon nap this week, my wallet was picked up by error at the video store and I had to report it stolen, I discovered leak coming down the side of my house and my dog almost got hit by a car chasing a squirrel.When I left the house this morning the last thing I wanted to do was GIVE to anyone or anything. I was wallowing in my own personal challenges as a working Mom and wondered what I had gotten myself into “giving back” every day for 365 days. How did I possible think I had the time in my life to do anything good today.But I did. It may not have been a huge, I may not have done something monumental, but I did something for our planet and my community. I have to be grateful for what I can do not what I can’t do.Give 25 / Day 25Today I walked past some garbage and my son stopped me. He jumped out of the stroller and said “Mom garbage! I get it!” It was a coffee cup and he got my GIVE going for the day. Today my role was local garbage picker. The interesting fact was that 95% of the garbage I picked up had something to do with coffee. Tim Horton’s, Bean Around the World, Star Bucks – I seem to have picked them all up today. Coffee cups, plastic cups, lids, and sleeves. I picked them up as we walked in addition to a few plastic bags and juice boxes. I even found the answer to the question in my title today.How many coffee cups are there in the world?I love this site I came across Sustainability is Sexy. It is all about coffee cups. The answer to the headline is 23 billion by the US alone. Wow and I only picked up 15 today. The good news – I did pick up 15 and that is 15 less coffee related cups and accessories floating around my community and floating in the ocean.We each do it, most likely every day. We walk past garbage and just keep walking. If we all picked up just a few pieces of garbage everyday our planet and our communities would be cleaner for our kids. If we also recycled the garbage we picked we would be saving the planet too. Just think about it, let it scratch the back of your brain and consider picking it up rather than walking past it.Time Commitment: 7 minutes on our walking routesCost: 0 Share Article:1 Comment Life just became simpler on October 24, 2010 at 2:40 am We all have ‘days’ but the great thing is you realized it is about what we can do. Living in the country of manana it is a great epiphany to know there are only so many hours in a day. It is what you do with those hours that counts.
Life just became simpler on October 24, 2010 at 2:40 am We all have ‘days’ but the great thing is you realized it is about what we can do. Living in the country of manana it is a great epiphany to know there are only so many hours in a day. It is what you do with those hours that counts.