Day 154: 365give’s Top 5 Ways to Become a Corporate PhilanthropistHappy Corporate Philanthropy Day! For the past 15 years I have been helping companies become more involved in giving. There is now a day dedicated to just that. There are many ways you can engage your company whether you are the owner or you are an employee, to be come more philanthropic. I have been working on a project (The Gelato Cup) for 12 years that 5 companies began and have now raised over a $1,000,000 for prostate cancer. That is major corporate philanthropy at it’s best. Today’s give is to give you ideas on how you can get your company involved in philanthropy.Day 154: Give 154Corporations have many benefits over individuals when it comes to giving back. Whether your company that has 4 employees or 1000 employees, working together makes giving a whole lot easier. Here are 365give’s top ways you can help your community or the world while you are working!1) Volunteer: Start a corporate volunteer program that allows your employees to take a day, and afternoon or even a few hours away from work to volunteer their time. Most people say they don’t have time to volunteer so choose an organization as a group you want to support and lend you time to make a difference.2) Pro Bono Work: This term means “for public good.” Don’t have the resources to send your employees out to volunteer? No problem do it right in the office. Use your expertise right in house to support an organization or cause. Whether it’s marketing expertise, business counselling, graphic design or even social media – these are all tools that any organization could use for free. Every dollar saved using your expertise allows an organization to put their dollars to work where they should be going to.3) The Latte Factor: This idea is taken from David Bach’s book, “Smart Couples Finish Rich”. What if everyone in your company, once a week, put their latte money into towards a donation. At the end of each month that money is donated to charity. Everyone in the company would have a chance to choose their favourite charity and you could spread the wealth around.4) For the CEO: This is how I help CEO’s of companies that come to me asking for ways to raise money for their favourite charity. Put on a charity event. It could be a golf tournament, a black tie gala, a bike ride or a baseball tournament. Use your suppliers, your contacts, your friends and get money from them to put on an event. All the proceeds can go to your favourite charity and can be publicized to make you look like a hero. Sell tickets and sponsorship opportunities and you have a great opportunity to give and market your company. Hire a specialist that can help you plan this and it all comes out of the event budget. It will cost you your time and your contact list.5) For the Employee: This is your chance to shine. Make an appointment with your boss to review some of these ideas. Maybe they haven’t considered corporate philanthropy or maybe they just didn’t know where to start. Take the initiative in your company to do something great and change the world. Get involved with a local initiative that will get everyone in your company involved. Ask your boss to sponsor an event you are volunteering at and have everyone in your company come out and help.Getting your company involved in philanthropy is not difficult. Why not start today and celebrate Corporate Philanthropy Day. It could be the start of a beautiful relationship!I would love to hear how your company is already involved or how you get them involved. Send us your story and we will highlight it along with your companies information. Happy to spread the good new of others giving back.Time Commitment: 45 minutes to share my ideasCost: 0 (a life time of work) Share Article: