Day 130:Bigger Steps Smaller FootprintToday is the day you can do it – Take Part – Inspiration to Action. Every week I take the time to go to the Take Part site and vote. Vote for what you say?Take Action has partnered with American Express to give away a total of $1,000,000 to different not-for-profit organizations that are creating a huge impact across the world. They each have a chance to get a piece of the “million dollar pie” buy reaching out to you and I to accumulate lots of votes each week.The more votes the bigger piece of the pie you get.I have decided to vote for a different organization each week so I can learn something new about a not-for-profit I didn’t know anything about.This week it is the Green School Alliance.Day 130: Give 130One of the things that inspires me most as I GIVE every day is the amount of people that are doing the same. Behind every cause, every not-for-profit, every movement, there are hundreds and even thousands of people with the same passion and commitment to create the change we need to see in our world.For all the terrible news we hear on TV, we don’t hear enough of the good stories. The stories of hope, inspiration and commitment that so many people have on our planet to make it a better place.I love this line from the Green School Alliance site:It started because ONE extraordinary astronaut, who hung upside down under the Earth on one toe fixing the Hubble said, “There are infinite complex life forms in this infinite universe, some survive and some don’t. I’m afraid we may not make it—what are YOU willing to give up?”This is a story about a little boy in grade 1 that wanted to celebrate Earth Day and a mother that wanted Earth Day to be every day. Ordinary, every day people wanting to do extraordinary things to change the world. It is a great story and worth taking the time to read on the Green School Alliance site.This organization has a simple concept. Teach the students of America how to keep our planet green. I believe if you teach our children, it will change our entire world. I have been part of the generation that has made our planet the way it is and feel I have an obligation to teach my children from the day they are born how to respect and ultimately save our planet.What are you doing to teach your children about the planet. What are you doing to ensure our children have a planet to live on and our grandchildren. We all need to do our part and the Green School Alliance is a great place to learn and and to vote!Time Commitment: 1 minuteCost: 0 Share Article: