50 Gives to Start Off Your New Year – The 365give Challenge in 2020So, what’s on everyone’s resolution list this year? The usual… eat better or exercise more, both made reluctantly in hope of better health? Why not add a resolution to give back daily? Make a ‘new’ New Year’s Resolution that is easy to keep. Giving that is simple and easy is a guaranteed way to improve your physical and mental health. Most likely you are already giving back without realizing it. Here’s a list of 50 gives to start your new year – 50 different ways that you can give and get you inspired.Small Acts of Giving to Animals Make a bird feeder to support wildlife Tell a pet you love them today Use products that have not been tested on animalsKeep our oceans clean to help sea life, use a biodegradable sunscreenIf you find an insect at home rescue it and put it outdoorsDonate vegan canned goods to your local food bankSubstitute beans and lentils for meat at dinner tonightPlant flowers for bees in your garden or window sillMake vegan cookies todayTake a walk around your neighbourhood with dog treats and water for straysMake homemade dog treats and give them awayProvide water in your garden for the birdsDonate dog food to a nearby police K-9 unitSign an animal rights petition to help your favourite animalGive blankets to an animal shelterFind a GoFundMe campaign that supports animals and donate $Thank a local Animal Shelter employeeSmall Acts of Giving to PeopleMake a gift bag for a family in need and donate it to a local shelterLet someone go in front of you in line Hold open the door for someone else Thank a teacher, manager or colleague for their help Help a senior today, take a walk, bring them coffee, or read to them Babysit for free for an hour or two today Return empty shopping carts to their proper place at the grocery store Shout-Out a local business on your social media account Bring in treats to your co-workers, friends or family Help a senior get on the bus Give someone your seat on the subway, train or bus Help a student with homework Buy lunch for someone Do an extra chore today that is normally normally else’s responsibility Post a motivational quote on social media Wash your friends or family members car (insert Carwash image from Canva) Small Acts of Giving to the Planet Carpool with friends and family Turn off the water while brushing your teeth Unplug everything when travelling Donate your old cell phone Reduce your shower time to 3 minutes Donate three pieces of clothing you no longer used to a thrift shop Plant a fresh herb, a flower, an indoor plant or tree (insert bee image from Canva) Ride your bike, take public transit or walk to work today Use both sides of the paper before recycling it Take time to appreciate the sunset or sunrise today Pick up litter in a local park or community area Purchase items like toilet paper that are made from recycled paper Use a clothes line instead of your dryer Don’t use straws or plastic cutlery today Bring your old plastic bags back to the grocery store Use a reusable coffee cup when purchasing your morning coffeeUse environmentally friendly household cleaners Keep The Happy in Happy New Year All Year LongHappy New Year from all of us at 365give. May your 2020 be filled with love, health and happiness! Are you ready to make your ‘new’ New Year’s resolution? Sign up for a free 365give membership and start giving back daily. Share Article: