365give Happiness Partnership – Let’s Give InternationallyThanks to the Happy Box Project, Awareness Ties and the Pollination Project, 365give has dedicated their daily give to this happiness partnership to help young children in India devastated by COVID-19. One of our volunteer blog writers and Founding Board Members Tammy Lawrence wrote an incredible article for the May edition of the Aware Now magazine highlighting the Happy Box Project. With donations from all over the world, we can help the Happy Box Project reach of goal of raising 1500 dollars for boxes that help the happiness and wellbeing of Indian children hugely affected by COVID – 19 and the isolation it has brought to families in this region.Members of The Happiness PartnershipAware Now is a monthly online publication produced by Awareness Ties and globally distributed through Issuu, a digital publishing platform. You can read the article below or view the entire May 2021 issue that has a host of stories written by those who are changing the world. Awareness Ties is a social-impact platform that is changing the way causes through both awareness and funds for nonprofits. Their mission is to elevate awareness for causes and provide sustainable resourcs to accelerate social change. We feel blessed to be one of their ongoing contributing writers and even more blessed to be able to support another organization through this process.The Pollination Project has supported 365give for years both financially and through a sharing of resources. They recognize and believe that the goodness & creativity within every individual is the largest untapped resource for building a kinder, more compassionate world. We support early stage grassroots volunteers, many of whom may have just a glimmer of an idea. Through their microgrants, the Pollination Project supports an international community of over 4,000 grassroots changemakers that are creating meaningful programs world wide.Read the article highlighted in the Awareness Now Mayday Publication produced by Awareness Ties about the Happy Box Project below. If you wish to read the article directly please go to the publication through this link. Happy Box Project – Support Today For Your Daily Give Donate to the Happy Box Project and help them distribute 150 boxes to children in India. Their wellbeing and education is important. This give will ripple around the world during a time of uncertainty and spread happiness to children who need it.Thank you to Tammy Lawrence for researching and writing this article, to Awareness Ties for recognizing the importance of the Happy Box Project and Pollination Project for providing the donation platform for this program. These Happiness Partnerships are powerful and you all made it happen! Share Article: